IMP Blog Team Jill Kane | Go Big and Go Home

IMP Blog Team Jill Kane | Go Big and Go Home 1Hi all, Jill here. One of the things I love most about using digitals is what you can print them on. I’m bummed about the low variety of designs available on transparency sheets these days. I was a big fan of Hambly screen prints and their transparencies were top notch. Substantial in feel, yet completely trimmable on a standard paper trimmer. Sigh. Products come and go, c’est la vie! So, I’ve turned to making my own transparencies in some crafty ways with digitals (check out scrap related stories on my Insta for more ideas).

I’m into illustrations this year. When I saw the cottage house digital stamps in the IMP Go To Techniques Digital kit, I knew that I wanted to use one or both this month. The drawing felt familiar to me…because it looks a tiny bit like my house! An idea started. I scrolled through photos one evening and found another place it reminded me of – the B&B we stayed at during our close-to-home honeymoon last September.

IMP Blog Team Jill Kane | Go Big and Go Home 2

This is another completely digital layout for me. For the transparency into page, in addition to the house icon, I used some floral stamps from the same IMP kit and a camera icon from The Practical Scrapper’s Summer Break kit. I paired those with some new and old Ali Edwards digitals. The house is so great large! I started thinking about how this intro page idea could become a seasonal one with different stamps. Autumn house, December house – the possibilities!

IMP Blog Team Jill Kane | Go Big and Go Home 4

IMP Blog Team Jill Kane | Go Big and Go Home 3

This wedding and honeymoon section will live in a 6×8 binder with unrelated stories. This is another reason that I like the transparency and facing filler cards, as it sets off the section. I wanted to keep this simple – just highlights – so this was easy to create. I let the 4×6 rows of flowers card guide the rest of my design choices. I formatted the place and date cards for up top, and used this fun Canva film strip frame for photos on the lower cards. It’s probably obvious, but repetition is a go to technique for me, especially when creating multiple page spreads for an event or short trip.

Make those digital stamps big or small, and think about what you’re printing them on! Lots of possibilities to craft just what you need for your projects. Check out all the inspo here, on Theresa’s IG and the IMP Go To Techniques class and IMP Facebook group. Happy scrapping!