Larkindecember | December Daily 2017 Days 22-25
Hello everyone! Today is epic – four days jam packed into one video so you are going to want to grab a cup of something delicious and settle in. I am sharing the last four days of my 2017 December Daily album!
I have sooo many photos to share, so I will just add those below without much chit chat.
Above are the foundation pages for Days 22 and 23. All products from Felicity Jane but the black and white sequins (Teresa Collins); cork trees (Freckled Fawn). The stories for these days are about going to the movie Father Figures for date night, and my mother’s plate rack and the cookie bar I set up for the kids.
Day 24.
All products from Ali Edwards and Paislee Press. Photo template is my own. The story for this day is about how we have the kids bring all the gifts downstairs all together. It’s so much fun and they get so excited seeing them all, looking for their names, and just having the best time!
And lastly, Day 25.
I always plan for more than one page for Christmas Day. I know that I will want to include photos of each one of us, plus the tree, plus any other photos that tell a story. My first foundation page features product from the Larkindecember collection still available in the shop. The second page uses Sahlin Studio Making Spirits Bright collection.
I added a transparency from Ali Edwards here, with a couple of the Snow & Cocoa snowflakes attached. I also reprinted the photo template with this year’s tree!
The last few pages are of us opening presents and I tell the stories of how it seemed that everyone got something that was fur this year, and how several who shall remain unnamed got aggressive with opening their presents! All in good fun! Product from Sahlin Studio and Larkindesign.
On the very last page I included my own photo and a reflection once again that, while all the fun and excitement is over, the best remains, which is joy, peace, laughter, and love. Thank you all so MUCH for joining me on this journey! I will return for a full walk through video in a few days, so look for that!