Process Video for December Daily 2015 Days 20 thru 22

Hi there, I cannot believe that this month is done. Our friends In Australia are already finding Santa’s presents and the time is almost up. This album this month has been an amazing journey and I have enjoyed every moment. I am so thankful for you, dear reader, for your views and your Likes and your Shares and your lovely comments! Today I just wanted to post my process video for Days 20-22 and I hope you enjoy.

I want to wish you the most merry holiday. We will be celebrating here at home very quietly and I am thankful for that. I will return a few days after Christmas to show the final three days of this album.

See you soon!


**December Daily is the creative brainchild of scrapbooking genius Ali Edwards. It is a concept of documenting the month of December through photos and stories, one per day, within an album that has been made in advance. More about her process, and the kits and classes that she offers, can be found on her website here.