Theresa Moxley | 2022 Project Life Week 02 ft Studio Calico Documenter Kits
Hi friends and welcome back to my 2022 Project Life album project! Today I am sharing Week 02 with you featuring all Studio Calico products from their Travelers Notebook and Documenter Kits. Our Week 02 was fairly quiet other than starting to dismantle Christmas, which can be a little bit depressing if you love Christmas! You can see more of this project through this link: 2022 Project Life. Check out my process video below!
There were a couple of stories this week that I felt were worth capturing and documenting. My approach has always been to document the path we created out of darkness, especially when life feels challenging and just flat out hard. This week I was experiencing a bit of mental and emotional struggle and, while I have included that struggle, I also made the layout more about how I climbed back out of that and back into a good place. That has become for me what I want to remember. That we made circumstances happen around me that helped me get better, rather than staying parked in a bad place. And that is what this layout is all about.
Over the years I have learned one of the best ways to keep me using supplies is to organize them by color and by manufacturer. So all of my Studio Calico cards are separated into rainbow color order, and I also have a stack of multi-colored cards that frequently become the starting point for a layout. My starting point for this layout actually didn’t make it onto the finished page – and that’s ok! It was a striped card with blues, orange, yellow, and pink, very much like the middle card on the right side. For my title card, I’ve used the grid card and added stamps + embellishments that incorporate all of the colors found on the layout. This is a go-to strategy that I repeat over and over again!
Around the page you will find more colorful embellishments that carry this theme throughout. Blue and yellow labels, yellow chipboard embellishments, and layered journal cards. I’ve also added in a bit of grey as a neutral space on the middle journal card. I made a little self-care list that celebrates how I am coping. At the bottom is a great photo that made me laugh and helped me get back to good: we were taking down Christmas, which is always a little bit depressing for me! As we were putting the tree away, I looked up and all I saw out of the corner of my eye was the top of the tree walking by! That made me laugh so hard! And then later I saw the sun coming through the window behind me, which made me think of how we carry the light within ourselves. So I took that selfie and saw it as an excellent sign that aha, the light was still there. Everything is ok.
For the right hand side, of course I needed a rainbow! I added a few asterisk chipboard pieces, remember the asterisks from Week 01? Still loving these. I also love the messy quote, it fit in so well with the story of this week. We had more snow this week, but I must admit by Week 02 I am done with it. Ha! This week was also a bit week right here on our website, we launched our new Shop and brought our amazing designers on board with us! So I have added that as well, to be able to include some work-related successes onto these pages.
I hope you can see how this album is becoming a bit more personal, about me, more than about our children/family life. Of course, you are free to create your albums in the best way for you and your family! Our family will definitely be making appearances as birthdays and occasions arise, but it’s also really nice to just document me. You are worth it, you are worthy of documenting your life and your experiences! See you back here again soon!